100% Export Oriented Knit Garments Manufacturer, Importer & Exporter.

The focus of the quality policy of AUTOMATION KNITWEAR LTD has been to providing at a price and service advantage through direct response mechanism. In order to sustain the investment in the key technology areas concerning our business, we have made significant investment in it testing and quality assurance equipment from the best in the world of each our production based.

Quality Control System

Our HRM Department maintains the following code of conduct as per the ACCORD & BSCI convention.

Does not give preference to any religion cast, sect, regionalism, gender, political or any outside pressure etc.

Abides by the rules and regulation of the B.K.M.E.A. & B.G.M.E.A. mandate, such as medical facilities with medical leave and others.

Does not employ or encourages any child workers.

Necessary safety equipment's are provided to the workers on specific jobs, along with monitoring of proper use of the equipment's.

Considering the provision of medical facilities to our workers & staffs under the prevailing labor act we have set-up a complete dispensary supported by a medical officer and a nurse.

There have a prayer room in 2nd floor.

We maintain the Fire system completely within the frame work of international safety act. Necessary firefighting equipment are staged in place of emergency to provide considerable support. We also maintain a fire alarm system and to receive additional external support in terms of requirement.

Necessary generator units have been set-up for the purpose enabling 24hours self-generated power supply to the project.

AUTOMATION KNITWEAR LTD is determining to provide every facility to their workers. We believe to ensure a good working condition so that workers can give their best output to fulfill the company's goal.